Hey Butternuts! In case you missed our post last week, this month we announced our awesome collaboration with our friends at Beyond Measure Fitness Training. It's a supportive and encouraging personal training gym I love being a part of, and what could be better than combining food and fitness!?
All month we are going to provide you with food hacks and fit tips - information you can add to your routine, as well as amazing special offers (see the link below).
From BMT this week, check out the great at-home (or at the gym) exercise you can do to work on the dreaded “bat wing” (triceps). The key with any exercise you do is that it is done properly, so the quick video will be worth your time to make sure you’re getting the most out of your tricep dips and that you’re doing them correctly.
Then jump over to TikTok (you don't have to have the app to view the video!) to see how to create a fun and healthy summer fruit salad.
BMT Exercise Video:
Click here to see the details on the free week of personal training BMFT is offering you this month!
BusyButternut Fruit Salad How-To:
